Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2008

Roots Vibrations in Jerusalem

Last night i went to the "EMOTION" Club in Jerusalem to attend a concert of Kwesi Selassie ...
Kwesi Selassie Poster in Jerusalem I had to spend 70 NIS at the door but thought it might be worth it to get connections and have an impression how the Afro Music scene is in like in Israel.

This was around 08:30 PM and they were still checking sound.
I got the number of the tour manager from DJ Rasta Zion and also a hint for a local cafe with a piano.
The group was great with sax and trumpet and the crowd was cheering.
Good sound, good vibe, some african brethren - I felt at home.
Unfortunately the Hebron Hostel closes its doors at 01:00 AM so i had to leave even before the first set was finished.
The coffeeshops in central Jerusalem were filled with people as they were open agian after two days of closing because of Rosh haShanah celebration.
It is a shame, i thought as i had to walk back into the Old City Walls.
As i approached Masses of people were getting out of several Buses and moved through Jaffa Gate. They made a left on Christian Quarter Street and i continued eastward but also turned left later to reach my hostel, crossing a smelly and filthy neighbourhood compared to central Jerusalem ...