Dienstag, 30. September 2008

Sufi chanting and processions

Yesterday i visited the Kotel. I was very moved and sucked up the vibration for like half an hour. I made some pictures and recorded a few clips.

After a can of fish on Mount Zion, i decided to walk a little into West Jerusalem and passed by the King David Hotel, where Sharif, the Taxi driver was hanging out in front trying to get customers as usual.
I hope i made it clear, that i cannot visit Jericho, the Dead Sea and Massada in one day, even though he is driving a Mercedes with aircondition and makes me a very special price ....
By that time everything was closed as is today because of Rosh haShanah. Only a few shops in the Muslim and the Christian Quarter in the Old City are open.
I then went to bed early and enjoyed the quietness of my 6 bed room with only one other traveler.
As i may have mentioned earlier, the room has a window and as i was about to start my relaxation cycle at around 18:30 i realized that somewhere close in the neighborhood a group of Sufis were chanting.
It lasted about two hours that i spent in deep relaxation on my bed unable to read or think anything else but dissolve in the perpetual repetition of their singing.
I woke up by the cry of the rooster. Incredible in such a crowded city.
After getting up i walked around the quarter i lived in and tried to find some coffee, no luck - have not had any up to now.
Standing in front of Mikes Center and sipping an XL Energydrink suddenly a procession of Christian maybe from Spain or Italy passed by.
I realize now, this is a very common happening around this part of town close to the Via Dolorosa.

I then walked all the way to Mount Herzl, visited his , Yitzhak Rabins and Golda Meirs graves among other Israeli statespersons.
Then back through a ghost town with no open shops or restaurants and am back in the Old City now ...
Almost all day long the Sufis chant (Zikhr) was running around my head and I wonder what i will hear tonite.
Oh, i forgot to mention the occasional churchbells, whose harmonious sounds are really outstanding ! I never heard Churchbells before that sound so nice.
Another christian group is passing ... singing and praying and carrying the obligatory wooden cross ....
I am in Jerusalem.