Montag, 29. September 2008

The Last day of 5768 in Jerusalem

I finally got some really good fried eggs with salad in the cafe of the hostel. The people tried to be very friendly and so was i. The food returned my good spirit and i soldered the frame of my eyeglasses.

Roof View, Jerusalem
As expected sleeping with so many people in a room, with only a tiny opening in the ceiling was not such a nice experience.
For tonight i booked me into a 6 bed room for 35 NIS that has a real window !
I strolled through the Jewish Quarter and hey, what a difference. Clean. Tidy. Quiet. Civilized and inviting. Totally different from the Quarter i stay in, where i saw a fat rat this morning, as i searched for coffee.
Nevertheless, i think people are trying to be friendly and make a business. Still the muslims appear really stressed. I was again invited into some shop to have coffee and look at their stuff.
The guy was cool in a way, spoke good english, showed me the roof walk above the busy bazaar and i gave him 10 NIS and picked up some postcards.
I still wonder how to approach the Temple Mount ...
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